====== The retirement rule of 20 ====== Rob Carrick's Personal Finance column in the Report on Business of Thursday June 4 2009 contained an interesting idea about how much money you need to fund retirement: for every dollar of income you need to live on, you should have $20 saved when your retire. There were a few flaws in the return assumptions used by Russell Investment Canada and in the split between bonds (65%) and stocks, in my view, but hey, we are after ideas. And, if you have not retired yet, the column contains ideas on the topic. [[http://www.theglobeandmail.com/globe-investor/investment-ideas/a-rule-for-funding-golden-years/article1168107/]] 'Death unleashes goodwill...' tips to avoid family feuds June 5 2009, John Heinzl's column has good ideas on estate planning: [[http://www.theglobeandmail.com/globe-investor/investment-ideas/personal-finance/death-unleashes-goodwill-mean-spiritedness/article1170027/]] Reading both Carrick and Heinzl regularly will give you most of the ideas needed for investment and financial planning. They both know their 'stuff'.