h1. No-No Financial Products They put lipstick on the pig and sell it. * Market-linked GICs do not provide any income at all...none: no interest, no dividends. * [[FUNDS NO]] - over one hundred reasons why I resist being sold mutual funds * [[Target date]]/life cycle/age-based funds: variable annuities Aug 2009 - a FLIGHTS© plan * [[Wrap Accounts]] a bundle of mutual funds with even higher fees * [[Variable Annuities]] "Most variable annuities are very bad investments." Forbes Feb 19 2001 "Fees are high" * [[Life Cycle Funds]] a fund of funds which are fatally flawed: 800 stocks Hello! * [[Preferred shares]] aren't really preferred. Jarislowsky hates them. Hence, I don't buy them. * [[IPOs]] - Do not buy IPOs! It's that simple. Don't. Here's why [[IPOs]]: * [[fund-based_income_plans]] - a comparison between what 'they' do and what 'we' do