Fourth Quarter 2011

This is a note from a relatively new subscriber. It accompanied his renewal cheque - “This dividend growth mindset is a slow process but I'm already seeing the benefits of the regular dividend payments. Each downdraft in the markets takes me 'less far' down than the last due to the cash coming in from each stock every three months.” DH in N3A

John Heinzl's November 23 column was about Leon's dividend record. Portfolios I oversee hold LNF. We like the growing income and extra dividends.

0.96% - Norm Rothery's Report on Business column of Saturday December 3 2011 dealt with returns (gains + dividends) from Canadian equity mutual funds over the last five years, both before and after fees. Rothery provided charts too. After fees, the average annual return was less than one percent a year. Professionals run these funds! Perhaps you could do better on your own with good safe stocks the pay reliable dividends. dividends on the twenty or so common stocks I follow (never preferreds) rose 10.2% last year. And yes. Stocks can be safe. Safety is more in the price you pay for and asset, than in the asset itself. The great bull market in bonds has run some 30 years. You'd be pushing it if you bought bonds now. And, in a bond mutual fund, you lose the guarantee of getting your money back. Did you broker/financial planner tell you that when she/he put you in a bond fund because you expressed hesitation about the stock market?