Third Quarter 2011

Market Comment in early August 2011 after the S&P downgrade of American bonds: as stock prices fall, our yields rise…our next purchase will mean more retirement income per dollar invested. Life is good. An example: BCE at $36.20 now offers a dollar's worth of dividends for $17.48 (1 / yield). The Strategic Dividend Investor by Daniel Peris has a six-page analysis of telecom stocks, including BCE, which alone is worth the $22 price of this excellent book on dividend growth investing.

“Safe Saving Rates: A New Approach to Retirement Planning” is a recent paper reviewed in The Economist of July 23 2011. Wade Pfau, the author, maintains that people should focus on their savings, not withdrawals. I focus on savings, but in a different way entirely. It's not mentioned in the column. Dividend growth investing does not hinge on the value of the stockmarket at the retirement date. Dividend growth investing produces a growing income from retirement assets, so that, if you start young enough, and with some luck, you might not have to eat into capital at all. Anyway, here's The Economist review of the paper from the National Graduate Institute for Policy Studies in Tokyo: