Mentions: “The financial media are starved for content and so will give a platform to anyone.” Yes, You Can Time the Market p.160 This book did not impress me. And, I do not think you can time the market. But when you buy a stock is most important. If it's expensive, future returns will be low.

  • John Heinzl's November 23 2011 column about Leon's dividend growth:

  • R.O.B. John Heinzl 'Why learning to invest is your best defence' September 15 2010. “…you must learn to invest yourself…”
  • “Dividend growth will be lower in 2009. Think single digit at the most, Rejoice though, as this is more than the zero increase [in income] provided by bonds,” dividend growth guru Tom Connolly said in the latest issue of the Connolly Report. Friday January 9 2009 John Heinzl in the Report on Business. Me a guru? I don't think so. I just comment on what I see going on.

Toronto Star November 25 2005 regarding the announcement of an enhanced dividend tax credit: “I'm glad we got into buying dividend-paying stocks years ago”.

Investor's Digest June 3 2005 page 322 “Connolly has a superb one sentence summary of his approach: 'When they are value priced, I buy common stocks of companies which have a good record of increasing dividend payments and hold them for the rising income.' ”

Les Affaires - December 18 2004 “Si ces demière figurent parmi les plus grands pourvoyeurs de dividendes au pays, les autres financières ne sont pas en reste, fait remarquer Tom Connolly, auteur de The Connolly Report, un bulletin financier consacré au dividende publié depuis 1981.”

• Peterborough Examiner November 26 2004 - “A strong advocate of dividend growth investing…if you buy stocks with growing dividends, in a decade of two the dividends will exceed anything you can hope for from bonds of income trusts”

• Financial Post October 26 2004 Jonathan Chevreau - “dividend enthusiast Tom Connolly…If you are planning to retire in 10-15 years, we think you should consider buying stocks that have long histories of dividend increases.”

• Financial Post January 10 2004 Jonathan Chevreau - “Critics miss mutual funds' real value” “Tom Connolly publishes a newsletter on dividends which lists 82 reasons he won't buy mutual funds. Topping the list are high fees and failure of managers to beat the market.”

• GlobeinvestorGold December 29 2003 Rob Carrick - dividend increases in 2003 “according to information compiled by Tom Connolly, a longtime dividend enthusiast…” • Financial Post, Saturday July 26 2003 “One newsletter, the Kingston, Ont.-based Connolly Report, is not in favour of preferreds. Long before the belief was fashionable, editor Tom Connolly recommended solid Canadian companies which raise their dividends over time. 'I never buy preferreds, never have, never will,'Connolly told me, 'They have a higher initial yield than common but, in the long run, common stock provides the better return.'” J. Chevreau

• “That is why I am such a big fan of Tom Connolly's investment letter. His buy and hold strategy fits right in with my plan to defer capital gains indefinitely.” Don Beech, C.A.R.P. June 1998

• • • • Investor's Digest February 18 1994 page 59 “Right off we find editor Thomas Connolly disputing - with brazen self-assurance - advice given in a previous column [Hold GICs, bonds, in a RRIF but keep out stocks] of this newspaper.”

• “Picking high yielders can be tricky” Financial Times of Canada May 1-7 1993

• Montreal Gazette July 6 1992 “What Connolly does mostly is track the yields offered on a selection of common stocks with a long history of paying dividends and preferably of increasing them steadily” Hugh Anderson

• • • • “Don't worry about price fluctuations. All that matters is that the dividend flow is secure and uninterrupted.” Connolly says. Jean Murphy, The Income Investor, Financial Post, July 4 1988

• Report on Business February 25 1985 “A lot of people seem to be looking for a safe investment, switching from guaranteed investment certificates into stocks to take advantage of the dividend tax credit.” Cathryn Motherwell

• The Financial Times December 28 1985 “Thomas Connolly, editor of the Connolly Report newsletter says in his latest issue that shares of telephone companies are a good bet because they have a track record of steady capital growth and their dividends have been increased often. Glenn Flanagan

• Consumers find it pays to refinance their debts” Martin Mittelstaedt ROB March 7 1983

• “Newsletter warns investors about tax-saving schemes - dilettantish advisors” Paul Goldstein ROB November 1 1983

• The Citizen, Ottawa November 17 1983 “Beware of tax-saving hard-sell…Connolly…sent out the alarm last month with a warning…about free tax planning seminars” Deborah Dowling

“Use of loan determines tax deductibility” ROB, March 8 1982 • Ottawa Citizen December 30, 1982 “People are interested in something safe with a good return and taxed at a lesser rate than investments collecting interest.” Greg Owens

“Before evaluating an investment opportunity, individuals should be aware of their true tax status, according to Thomas Connolly, writer of the Connolly Report.” ROB November 9 1981

• Toronto Star, December 1981 - “His product [Connolly Report] is as authoritative and useful as many other investment guides. And his credentials show he's no neophyte.”

• Report on Business, December 30, 1981. “As Mr. Connolly points out, $1,000 invested at the end of each year at 12 percent can accumulate to more than $20,000 in 10 years.”

When Hamlet Retires (with apologies to W.S.)

To seek income growth, or remain with fixed, That is the question.

Whether 'tis better to suffer The ravages of inflation on fixed , Or to pocket the benefits of income growth And risk a bit of fluctuation?

To grow, to grow - yet to sleep well. And by that income growth to profit Without concern For the thousand natural shocks That the market is heir to.

'Tis the strategy to be followed. Ay, then there's no rub!

© T. Connolly Jan 2002

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